Running GP-Probe DIN is easy! Just follow a few simple steps: 

Link to the printable version of the manual

Before using the device, please review the technical specifications provided in the datasheet

1. First power-on

The probe has no power button, so once you plug in the power cable the probe will start up immediately. 

If the GNSS antenna is not connected, you will see an error on the screen:

Once the GNSS antenna is connected, this error will be resolved. The probe will show the status "Connecting" and then "Offline":

All management of GP-Probe is conducted via an integrated web-based configuration panel.
Learn how to access it here.

It is necessary to install a GNSS antenna and establish a connection to GP-Cloud or activate the Onboard Signal Processing option.

2. GNSS Antenna Installation

GPSPATRON is meticulously designed to detect and classify GNSS interference, even in the toughest conditions. For those on a budget, a simple magnetic GNSS antenna placed on an office windowsill will suffice. However, to maximize system efficiency, we recommend investing in a higher-quality antenna installation.

Best Practice Recommendations:

  • Ensure an average SNR greater than 30 dB.
  • Position the antenna for an unobstructed view of the entire sky.
  • Minimize RF signal reflections to avoid interference.

3. Connect GP-Probe to GP-Cloud and Calibrate

3.1 GP-Probe Registration in GP-Cloud

First, you should register the probe's ID in GP-Cloud. GP-Probe ID is the unique identifier of the device. You can find it on the instrument screen and in the Web Configuration Panel:

The registration can solely be performed by the system admin on GP-Cloud's user interface:

  • Navigate to the "Probes" menu and click on "Add New Probe".
  • In the popup, choose the probe's model, make up a password (remember it for the next step), and type in the probe's ID:

Learn more here about how to register a GP-Probe in the cloud:

3.2 GP-Probe Connection Configuration

Steps to Connect GP-Probe DIN L1 to the Cloud:

That's it! Your GP-Probe should now be connected and ready to stream data:

You can learn more here How to Сonfigure the GP-Probe's Сonnection to GP-Cloud

3.3 GP-Cloud Algorithm Calibration

You can access the data coming from the probe through your GP-Cloud account, but the probe's status may not be displayed as "Normal". It is more likely to show "Anomaly" or "Low Position Accuracy". To rectify this, simply open the Probe Config Popup, recalculate a new reference position, and reset the calibration:

Here, you can find more information on how to calibrate your GP-Probe:


4. Activate Onboard Signal Processing

To be defined