To utilize GP-Probe in conjunction with GP-Cloud, it's necessary to initially register the probe on the cloud. You will require the Probe ID for this process.

The Probe ID is a unique identifier for the device. You can find it on the instrument screen and in the Web Configuration Panel:

Only the administrator is allowed to register the device in the cloud

To proceed, kindly follow these steps on the GP-Cloud user interface:

  1. Navigate to the "Probes" menu
  2. Click on "Add New Probe"
    In the popup, select the model of the probe
  3. Create and remember a password; It's required for setting up your GP-Probe
  4. Finally, enter your Probe ID:

To configure your GP-Probe, please follow these steps:

  • Open the Web Configuration Panel and go to the "Connection Config" section
  • Set up:
    • GP-Cloud credentials
    • Data interface: either 4G or Ethernet
    • IP settings

If configured correctly, the "Offline" status will gone, and you will see on the "Status" page:

You can learn more here How to Сonfigure the GP-Probe's Сonnection to GP-Cloud