Make sure that all antivirus applications are disabled before starting the installation. This is a mandatory requirement. Otherwise, some components may not install correctly. 

After receiving a GP-Simulator license, the supplier provides a link to download the distributive: GP-Simulator Setup X.X.X.X.exe.

Download the file to the local disk and run. The distributive is a self-extracting archive. After launching, it will temporarily copy all the files needed to install the application into the folder 

"c:\GPSPATRON installers\GP-Simulator Setup"

Click the Next button everywhere and accept the license agreement if you comply with it. 

The following software products, libraries, and drivers will be installed during the installation:

  1. GP-Simulator app
  2. NI Labview Run-Time Engine 2018 f1
  3. NI GNSS Simulation Toolkit 3.0%
  4. Python 3.7.2
  5. 7-Zip 19.00
  6. UBLOX driver 3.7.2
  7. USRP drivers

All auxiliary programs and packages are installed in the background and do not require any interaction with the user. This is done for ease and speed of installation. 

After installation, be sure to reboot your computer!

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