There are two ways to update the GP-Probe firmware:

Managing Firmware Version Priority

The GP-Probe software can be updated in two main ways: centrally via the GP-Cloud by a GP-Cloud administrator, or individually via the Web Configuration Panel by a device administrator. You can manage the priority of the firmware version through the setting shown in the screenshot below: 

This feature ensures that administrators can choose between applying the latest updates automatically or selecting a preferred version that maintains system stability or compatibility with specific functionalities.

GP-Probe Firmware Upgrade via Web Configuration Panel

To update the firmware of your GP-Probe device via the Web Configuration Panel, begin by logging in as "admin". If you are unsure how to access this panel, refer to our guide here:

Once logged in, navigate to the "Admin/Update Firmware" section. Here, you have two options for performing the update:

  • Update from GP-CLOUD FIRMWARE DIRECTORY: Select this option to download and install the latest firmware directly from the GP-Cloud.
  • Local Disk Upload: If you have a firmware file available on your local drive, you can upload it manually.

Upon clicking the 'Update' button, you should observe the firmware upload process on your screen. This process involves the following steps:

  • The firmware file is uploaded to the device.
  • After a successful upload, the device will automatically reboot to apply the new firmware.

Do not power off the device during the firmware update process. Interruptions can corrupt the firmware and cause device malfunction.

The update process duration varies by model:

  • Approximately two minutes for the TGE2 model.
  • About one minute for the DIN L1 model.

GP-Probe Firmware Upgrade via GP-Cloud

This is the preferred method of firmware upgrade. Since you can update all of your GP-Probes in a few minutes. 

Log in to the GP-Cloud admin panel. Go to the Firmware menu and click "+ ADD FIRMWARE":

In the pop-up window choose the GP-Probe model, enter the firmware version and select the file:

In the "Probes" menu, select the probes you want to update and click "Edit":

In the pop-up window, select the appropriate firmware version:

That's all. In a couple of minutes, all the devices will update and be back online.